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Product Code: FD10036+1182C
The 3M Cubitron 3 Fibre Disc 1182C features re-engineered 3M Precision Shaped Grain taking thelegendary speed and life of 3M Cubitron Performance Abrasives to a whole new level.
These product benefits include allowing for increased productivity and lower overall grindingcostsvs. other fibre discs and depressed center grinding wheels when grinding mild or carbon steels.
Delivering up to 60% more total material removed compared to the 3M Cubitron II Fibre Disc 982C,36+, this long-lasting fibre disc has a fast cut rate with high stock removal across a wide rangeof application pressures.
Additionally, this disc is designed to help reduce exposure to hand-arm vibration, increasethroughput, and complete more parts-per-disc when tackling medium to high-pressuregrinding applications.
The 3M Cubitron 3 Fibre Disc 1182C plays a vital role in creating a robust and versatileabrasive solution, whether paired with 3M Angle Grinders for improved operator ease-of-use orincorporated into automated processes such as robotic weld grinding.
The performance advantages of the 3M Cubitron 3 Fibre Disc 1182C are tailored to enhancing andelevating automated weld grinding, including uptime, throughput, consistency, and efficiency.
These four key elements are critical when optimizing your automated abrasive process, and with the3M Cubitron 3 Fibre Disc 1182C, you'll experience increases in product life, cut rate, and wearconsistency. These features can either enhance processes that are already automated orincrease the appeal of automating currently-manual ones.
Brand: 3M
Product Information Sheet (PDF)